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Plastic Myths – What can we do?

Debunking myths across the value chain, this work recognizes the achievements but points out the distance left to go to achieve our recycling goals and a circular economy.

Published 20.04.22

Supported by the Ministry of the Climate and Environment of Norway, GRID-Arendal presents these 10 myths about plastics and plastic waste, and using evidence from scientific papers and grey literature and from practitioners in the field, debunks the myths. While not a comprehensive analysis of plastic production and waste, the analyses of these myths provide insights into the issues and demonstrate the overlapping nature of the challenges and the strategies for what we can do.

This work recognizes the achievements in plastic waste management but points out the distance left to go to achieve our recycling goals and a circular economy. The tasks ahead require immediate responses by decision-makers in environmental protection at the national and international levels.