Read the new Nordic report on Sustainability Criteria here


Find reports and articles about marine litter and related topics

Exploring Financing Needs and Opportunities

Options for the basic financial set-up and approaches to resource mobilisation and delivery that ensure the Global Agreement to Prevent Plastic Pollution’s effective operation


Nordic Report on Sustainability Criteria

International sustainability criteria for plastic products in a global agreement on plastic pollution


PAME: Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter in the Arctic

Strategic Actions that address both land- and sea-based sources of marine litter in the Arctic region


AMAP: Litter and Microplastics Monitoring Guidelines

Reviewing existing knowledge and providing guidance for designing an Arctic monitoring program that will track litter and microplastics


A Comparative Study of National Plastic Plans

to inform the development of national obligations under a new global agreement on plastic pollution


Inventory of Global and Regional Plastic Waste Initiatives

This GRID-Arendal report indicates important thematical and geographical gaps in efforts towards solving the plastic crises.


Strengthening the Global Science and Knowledge Base to Reduce (Marine) Plastic Pollution

The report, commissioned by the Nordic Council of Environment and Climate Ministers, contributes to the global policy discussion on the need for a new scientific mechanism.


Stronger together: The role of regional instruments in strengthening global governance of marine plastic pollution


UNEA resolutions on marine litter and microplastics


Desktop Study on Marine Litter in the Arctic

A review of the state of knowledge about marine litter including microplastics and their impacts


Controlling Transboundary Trade in Plastic Waste

To prevent plastic leaking into the environment from the recycling sector, we must strengthen global regulations


Marine Litter Vital Graphics

A visually rich report explains that we know enough to act


The Nordic Report: Possible elements of a new global agreement to prevent plastic pollution

The Nordic Report from 2020 suggests elements and approaches for a new global agreement, covering the whole life cycle of plastics.


Plastic Pollution in the Arctic Ocean

Arctic waters and coastlines are affected by plastic debris from far afield
